Our Allies:
Just Us Solutions has the privilege of working with an abundance of Seattle and Washington based organizations that aid us on our pursuit of justice.
"HOPE is a group of University of Washington students who are dedicated to encouraging post-secondary education programs inside prisons, as well as support for formerly incarcerated/systems impacted college students. Our aim is to raise public awareness surrounding the need for more accessible educational opportunities to those incarcerated and formerly incarcerated."
The Black Rose Collective
"The Black Rose Collective is a group of dedicated community organizers and support specialists directed by and accountable to our community –Black, Brown, Indigenous, and people of the global majority who are incarcerated, impacted by gun violence, or who face ongoing barriers of the reintegration process after legally liberated from the carceral system."
Washington State Office of Public Defense
"The Office of Public Defense believes in providing justice through service to our community, prioritizing equity and excellence in all we do. Ensuring justice means embracing a multidisciplinary approach to providing public defense services, ensuring that each individual is met where they are at with the help they need in their case."
Interaction Transition
"The mission of Interaction Transition is to benefit community safety by facilitating a successful transition by formerly Justice impacted, from life in prison to life in the community. I/T helps its participants meet certain critical basic needs, such as employment. The program greatly reduces the risk that participants will resume criminal activity, increases safety within the community, and advances successful reintegration with fellow community members."